Growing Up!

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Monday, September 3, 2007

In the court room

I plan on being the only guy to input, so here's this weeks story. I've held several jobs throughout my life and will have stories from many. In 1994 I was a police officer and was assigned court duty for the month. This meant I was balif and would bring in the loser criminals and keep things flowing. It also meant starting the court which included introducing the Judge. This particular judge would always provide a sheet with what he wanted to be said during his entrance. It always starts with "All Rise", the honorable blah, blah, blah, presiding, and then would give his creditinials. The court room was full and I was in the room next to it waiting on the judge for the go ahead to start reading. I decided to practice this before court started so as not to mess up during the real thing which was to start in about five minutes. During practicing my lines, I heard a lot of hustle and bustle in the courtroom. I peaked in and noticed everyone standing. Uh oh, they heard me say "All Rise". I looked around hoping maybe the judge would be coming in but he's nowhere to be found. I had to tell the court to sit back down but I passed it off as the judges' fault. Saying something like "false alarm the judge isn't ready yet, you can sit back down." I remember that it was only a few minutes until the judge did come in. They probably felt like a yo-yo.


Mindy said...

I hope this encourages the other men. I laughed out loud at this one!

Libby said...

Funny story! I can't wait to hear more.