Growing Up!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chicken Run

During my youthful driving days, I would frequently slow down or even stop on the road and aggravate livestock. One time I saw some chickens on the side of the road behind a fence. This looked like a good place to do something stupid since it was an old country gravel road. The small flock of chickens were on the right side, so I stopped and rolled down the passenger's side window and stuck my head out. I yelled and imitated a chicken laughing loudly and clucking. I might have even flapped my arms, I can't remember. I did this for a couple of seconds. After I felt like the chickens were traumatized and had scattered, I rolled up my window and drove on. As I started driving I noticed two old men leaning on a fence about 30 feet from where I had stopped. Both men were looking at me with their mouths open. While I still enjoy aggravating livestock as I drive down the road, I now keep my eye out for any witnesses.


Libby said...

I'm going to think of this story the next time that I see you, so expect me to start laughing!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised you didn't start clucking at the men on the side of the road too...