Growing Up!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blue Light Special

Forgetting something while being an officer is usually a public affair. I remember completing a traffic stop during the middle of the day and then driving off once the car I stopped was gone. As I was driving, at traffic speed, I noticed cars ahead of me pulling over. I noticed cars coming toward me also pulling over. For some reason I didn't think of the most obvious reason for their behavior. The further I drove, the more everyone was taking to the sides. My first thought was maybe an ambulance was coming up behind me. Of course I check my rearview mirror but nothing was there. After going a few miles at 45 mph and watching people pulling over left and right, I finally realized that I had left my overhead blue lights on. You can't tell during the daytime because there's no reflection coming back to me. In my defense, the little indicator light on the switch had blown and I didn't notice that I had left them on. I looked like a real genius driving by people at normal speed and looking back at them thinking "you people are crazy". I wonder if any of those who pulled over were one of the men that saw me cluck at the chickens several years back? Now that would be funny.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chicken Run

During my youthful driving days, I would frequently slow down or even stop on the road and aggravate livestock. One time I saw some chickens on the side of the road behind a fence. This looked like a good place to do something stupid since it was an old country gravel road. The small flock of chickens were on the right side, so I stopped and rolled down the passenger's side window and stuck my head out. I yelled and imitated a chicken laughing loudly and clucking. I might have even flapped my arms, I can't remember. I did this for a couple of seconds. After I felt like the chickens were traumatized and had scattered, I rolled up my window and drove on. As I started driving I noticed two old men leaning on a fence about 30 feet from where I had stopped. Both men were looking at me with their mouths open. While I still enjoy aggravating livestock as I drive down the road, I now keep my eye out for any witnesses.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rick Rocks!!

My husband, being the good guy that he is and knowing I have been a crazy Rick Springfield fan since the early '80's, got us tickets (the best available) to the concert last night. It was at the Wild Horse Saloon in Nashville. It was great because it is a much smaller venue than the previous Rick Springfield concerts I had been to (in '83 & '84). Yes, I'm that old! And guess what, he got so close I was able to touch him, twice! He actually stood on our table and sang. He then spent time on the tables directly next to ours which was just as good as it being our table. 58 years old and the man can still ROCK! DeWayne even had a great time. I don't know what else to say except - We Bopped 'til We Dropped!!

I will let the pictures speak for themselves. The one with an arm touching a leg wearing jeans, that's my arm and Rick's leg!

Monday, September 10, 2007


With 1 dog, 2 cats, 13 chickens and lots of local wild turkey and deer, there are definitely daily chores to be done. Every day we put out corn for the turkeys and deer, feed the cats, feed and water the chickens and collect the eggs. (Don't worry, the dog has a big feeder of food and bucket of water all the time). Luke and Miranda each do their part. Miranda is great at putting out the corn and she likes to help feed the cats. Luke collects eggs while I fill the chicken feed and water containers. I'm just not ready to let Miranda handle the eggs yet! Out by the shed we have acquired a new member of the family. We'll just call her "Charlotte". If you are at all arachnophobic, close your eyes for this pic. We won't be feeding or petting this one!

Monday, September 3, 2007

In the court room

I plan on being the only guy to input, so here's this weeks story. I've held several jobs throughout my life and will have stories from many. In 1994 I was a police officer and was assigned court duty for the month. This meant I was balif and would bring in the loser criminals and keep things flowing. It also meant starting the court which included introducing the Judge. This particular judge would always provide a sheet with what he wanted to be said during his entrance. It always starts with "All Rise", the honorable blah, blah, blah, presiding, and then would give his creditinials. The court room was full and I was in the room next to it waiting on the judge for the go ahead to start reading. I decided to practice this before court started so as not to mess up during the real thing which was to start in about five minutes. During practicing my lines, I heard a lot of hustle and bustle in the courtroom. I peaked in and noticed everyone standing. Uh oh, they heard me say "All Rise". I looked around hoping maybe the judge would be coming in but he's nowhere to be found. I had to tell the court to sit back down but I passed it off as the judges' fault. Saying something like "false alarm the judge isn't ready yet, you can sit back down." I remember that it was only a few minutes until the judge did come in. They probably felt like a yo-yo.

Sweetness turns 2

Miranda is 2! I can't believe it. It has gone by SO fast. I love this age. She is so much fun, but I am starting to miss the little baby she was. Luckily, she still is a cuddler (atleast with me). We had her birthday party yesterday. Of course, she got way too much. She is just really loved by lots of people. I get that. We are having to clean out her room and get rid of old toys to make room for the new ones. I have a hard time letting go of her "baby" things. It makes me a little sad. Luke is the absolute sweetest big brother. He made Miranda a card and coloring book. I knew he had made her something but had not seen it until he gave it to her yesterday. The card and the coloring book were the sweetest things I have ever seen. They were absolutely the best gifts ever! He was such a big help at her party. He was even willing to try on some of her new princess attire (see photo!). He will one day regret letting me take this pic! I think the princess attire followed by Luke's enthusiasm playing "kitchen" with Miranda worried DeWayne a bit. It wasn't long into the kitchen play time that DeWayne asked Luke to come out and shoot the BB gun with him. Time to reset the testosterone levels! Miranda had a great birthday and had no problem with it being "all about her"!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Friday's at Huff's

Huff's Groceries is this great little market on our way home from school. Every Friday after school, I take Luke and Miranda to Huff's for an end-of-the week treat. Luke varies what he gets each week, sometimes candy, sometimes ice cream. Miranda, well, she's a creature of habit. She goes straight for the dum-dum's every time. She may choose different flavors week to week, but one things is for sure, she will not make it out of the candy aisle without the sucker being unwrapped and in her mouth. I just lay the wrapper on the counter when it's time to pay. When the weather is good, not too hot or too cold, we sit on the porch at Huff's and enjoy our treat (sometimes Mommy gets a little something too!).