Growing Up!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to Normal.......Yeah, right.

Finally, the water bill is back to normal. It was only 40 bucks this month. What a relief. Paid off the debt on Thursday then on Friday... the A.C. went out on the minivan! How lovely, just before summer time. Estimated cost...1,000 to 1,200. Somehow though, it's really no big deal. We're all healthy, we still eat too much, and everytime I lie down on the living room floor the kids attack me like I'm some beached whale. Life is good.

1 comment:

2 kids...3 martinis said...

OMG!! How freakin' cute???!!! Luke is looking more like DeWayne and Miranda more like you! They are so sweet my screen is getting sticky just looking at these pics! Glad to see you're back; I check in here often as blogging and reading blogs has become a bit of an addiciton these days. Can't wait to hear/see more!
Sending lots of love (we miss you!!),