Growing Up!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

The kids were very excited this morning. Both donned their Santa hats and tore into the wrapping paper like pros. Luke asked Santa for a football. Santa did not disappoint.

Miranda asked Santa for shoes for her "Build-a-Bear" dog. She made this dog at a friends birthday party. So sweet!

One more tradition.... I always make "Blueberry-Peach Coffee Cake" on Christmas morning. I had this every Christmas growing up and cannot do without now. So yummy!

I hope everyone has had a Very Merry Christmas and that the Joy of the season will follow you all year long.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Traditions in the Johnston Home

I really think I like all the "traditions" that lead up to Christmas morning more than anything. With Luke being in Cub Scouts, he marches in the Leiper's Fork parade every year. Last year I got a good picture of a pig on a leash. This year Naomi Judd was the Grand Marshall of the parade. Do you think I got a picture of her, noooo, but I did get this pic of a donkey in a santa hat! I did not even get a good shot of Luke!!

I really need a better camera that does not take forever between shots.

This year, the first year ever for us, DeWayne put lights on the house. I LOVE IT!!!!

The kids decorated "ginger bread" houses this year. Okay, so they are made from graham crackers, I did not bake any real ginger bread (maybe next year). They spent forever decorating these. Luke and Miranda are both quite skilled with a bag of icing. Check out their masterpieces.

Another tradition, we make sugar cookies and decorate them on Christmas Eve. These I do make from scratch. The whole family gets in on this. Then the kids pick a few favorites to put out for Santa.

Notice Miranda's intense concentration - tongue out and all!!


The finished product.

One more of our traditions, the kids get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Obviously, these are from Mommy and Daddy since Santa has not come yet.

Oh, what could it be?!

Yippee! - Snow tubes, now we just need some snow!!!! Does Santa deliver snow?

Last but not least, once teeth are brushed, jammies are on and kids are "snug as a bug in a rug" in bed, I read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to them.

DeWayne has his own "must" for Christmas Eve. He just has to watch "National Lampoons' Christmas Vacation".

Well, I think I hear the "prancing and pawing of each little hoof" so I'll say... "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night".

I'm thinking of changing my name

Okay, not MY name exactly, but the blog name. I'm thinking "The Bi-Annual Blogger". It seems that's as often as I actually post anything new. I often "blog" in my head when taking picutres of the kids but it never makes it to the blog that exists here for everyone to read. I really do want to update more often, maybe that can be my New Year's Resolution. We'll see...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I have my own website!

Most everyone knows I sell Uppercase Living. I now have my own website! You can view the catalog, create your own design, even see my calendar of available dates for in-home shows. I have put a link to my site in the side bar. Check it out!

Custom name

"Bird on Bamboo" from catalog

Another catalog item with custom name added.

Custom design. A great way to show off the kids artwork.

Who-da Thunk It?

I took my first foray into the world of CANNING! Yes, it's official, I am now a "country girl". Not only do I say "y'all", I now 'put up' my own canned goods (well just tomatoes so far). I have 4 gallon size baggies of wild blackberries in my freezer just waiting to become jam, too. Guess what everyone is getting from me for Christmas this year?! Here are a couple of pics of my accomplishments.



Monday, August 18, 2008

Mr. Bean

Is it just me or is this bean smiling at me!?

Stinkums turns 7!!!! (a.k.a. man, I'm old)

May 22, 2001 - Luke Elias Johnston is born! Fast forward to May 22, 2008: Luke turns 7 years old and has his last day of 1st grade. WOW!

I cannot believe that Luke is 7. Time flies, huh? It amazes me how fast they go from being your little baby to such a big kid. I love when I get to see the kind, thoughtful, loving soul that is in him. Here are some pics of his journey to his 7th year. Enjoy!

My future News Channel 5 anchor!

Or weather man.

Or cowboy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Miranda's ER visit

It was a morning like any other morning. Sun shining, birds singing, kids running amok in the house. Luke and Miranda decided to climb into my bed to watch a little TV while I was getting ready for work. Miranda was on the bed, reached over to the night stand to get the remote, hand slips, face falls forward, meets edge of night stand, mouth splits open, Luke yells, Miranda cries, Mommy comes running, scoops up Miranda, it's a blur of blood, cold cloth, run to kitchen, get ice, lots of "shh, shh, shh, you'll be okay", call DeWayne, meet at doctors office, they suggest we go to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital ER. Amazingly, Miranda was the calmest busted up 2 year old you can imagine. Except for the crying immediately after impact and when the nurse wanted to look at the "boo-boo", she never even whimpered. She complied with the doctors and held perfectly still and quiet while her 2 stitches were being put in. Even the nurses and doctors commented on how calm she was. I must say I give the credit, for the lack of emotional trauma, to God. My prayer for her during the trip to the doctors office was for her to feel no pain and to come through this peacefully. No on can tell me prayers are not answered!

The next day, she's riding rides at Dollywood!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Miranda's ABCD Workout Video

Just try and keep up with her, you're sure to burn a few calories! I love the L M N O part of her ABC's - or her ABCD's as she calls them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Isn't she lovely?!

She really thinks she's something special when she has "pig tails". I think she's something specail no matter what!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Whoops, Did I say that?

Dorea and I were watching the "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding" movie the other night and I was reminded of something that happened to me. When I was in high school, I had a part time evening job at a local Pizza restaurant. My manager was from Iran and of course was bilingual. His cousin, Navid, also worked with us and was a little deviant. My manager told me one evening that his family was in the U.S. and would be stopping by the restaurant to eat dinner. His family included his mother, father, cousins, grandparents, and several others. None of his family who were visiting spoke any English. I asked my manager's cousin, Navid how to say "Welcome to our restaurant. Please, make yourself at home." in their language. I was going to surprise the family with my newly learned words to help them feel welcome. So finally they arrived and I ran to the front of the restaurant with my hands in the air loudly proclaiming what I thought was "welcome". They looked really surprised once I shouted this phrase in their language, a little too surprised. Their reaction was not what I expected. It was more of a mouth open, silent stare at me. At the same time my manager runs to the front and says to me, with a scouring tone, "what are you saying that for?" My manager says, "why are you telling my family that we have rats and you like to wear ladies underwear?" I looked in the corner to see Navid laughing hysterically. I, too, thought it was pretty funny. I am still friends with that manager. His family just thought I was some fool.

Monday, April 14, 2008

6 months in pics continued

Luke decorated DeWayne's birthday cake. He did such a great job. DeWayne turned 39 on March 7th this year. One more year until the BIG 4-0!!!!!

Miranda loves her babies.

No real reason, just too cute not to post! Every day, she makes me laugh. She's the best.

On this particular Saturday, I was doing laundry, unloading and re-loading the dishwasher, cleaning the house, etc, etc, etc. This is what the rest of my family was doing!!! Yes, DeWayne moved a TV to the deck so he could watch the game from the hot tub.

DeWayne and Luke worked together making the Pinewood Derby car for Luke's first Pinewood Derby race. You'd be amazed at some of the work people put into their car to win! Luke had fun.

After 3 1/2 years since moving to the "house on the hill", we FINALLY had snow! Atleast enough to sled on. Of course, by about 1:00pm the snow had melted and that was that. We did have a blast for a little while!!!

DeWayne & Miranda about to take off.

March 2008 - We has some friends over to decorate and color easter eggs. It was lots of fun.

Miranda and Sarah going for a little drive.

Easter Morning - AHH - What goodies did the Easter Bunny leave for us this year?

It was quite cold out, but Luke did not want to take time putting on clothes. So the bath robe would have to do. Crazy child! How many eggs can you find?

Easter Morning - on our way to worship. Don't they look sweet?

The Cub Scouts have a Blue & Gold Banquet each year. To provide desserts, there is a cake decorating contest for the boys to compete in. This is the cake Luke decorated. I did the base icing and gave direction for decorating, but he did all the deco work and writing. Really, he did! And.....he won the contest!

Most recently, Luke has started this years Little League. He is on the Farm Bureau Indians team. They won the Spirit Parade at opening ceremonies and have won their first 2 games!! Go Indians!!