Growing Up!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Miranda's ER visit

It was a morning like any other morning. Sun shining, birds singing, kids running amok in the house. Luke and Miranda decided to climb into my bed to watch a little TV while I was getting ready for work. Miranda was on the bed, reached over to the night stand to get the remote, hand slips, face falls forward, meets edge of night stand, mouth splits open, Luke yells, Miranda cries, Mommy comes running, scoops up Miranda, it's a blur of blood, cold cloth, run to kitchen, get ice, lots of "shh, shh, shh, you'll be okay", call DeWayne, meet at doctors office, they suggest we go to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital ER. Amazingly, Miranda was the calmest busted up 2 year old you can imagine. Except for the crying immediately after impact and when the nurse wanted to look at the "boo-boo", she never even whimpered. She complied with the doctors and held perfectly still and quiet while her 2 stitches were being put in. Even the nurses and doctors commented on how calm she was. I must say I give the credit, for the lack of emotional trauma, to God. My prayer for her during the trip to the doctors office was for her to feel no pain and to come through this peacefully. No on can tell me prayers are not answered!

The next day, she's riding rides at Dollywood!


2 kids...3 martinis said...

Oh, how scary!! I'm so glad she made it through like a "big girl!" Wow. How did YOU hold it together??
What a sweet little princess...

2 kids...3 martinis said...

He is getting so big!
I'll never forget how much he used to cry while we talked on the phone...poor little guy. Something's to be said that you decided to reproduce again after the trying times you had with him in the beginning! He just looks so darn grown up...I can't believe how much since we've seen him last.
And if you're old, how OLD am I having a boy turning ELEVEN on 10/1???????? (Can you say "preteen" and "girlfriends calling on the phone"???)